Our Purpose for Worship
To call sinners from guilt before God the Father into our only comfort, the grace of the Son, and to exhort them to a life of gratitude by the means of grace in the power of the Holy Spirit.
What is a “call to worship”?
Many times we enter God’s sanctuary thinking about life or the events of the day, this is an opportunity for the congregation to clear our minds of the troubles of this world and prepare our hearts and minds as we enter into the joyous act of worship, the hearing of God’s Word and for communion.
How do you pick your hymns and worship songs?
We believe that a worship service should be saturated with God’s Word and the hymns are no exception. We don’t base our music choices out of a desire to elicit an emotional response, but on whether or not a hymn or song lines up with what Scripture teaches.
What is a corporate confession of sin?
As believers in Christ we are called to confess our sins (John 5:24). As the body of Christ we express common sins together in unity and togetherness (Romans 3:23). This corporate confession does not take the place of individual confession and repentance but rather helps us to see our common need of God’s salvation. The assurance of pardon follows to let us know that we are forgiven by God.
Why do you recite creeds and confessions?
As sinful people it is easy for us to forget what we stand for and consequently allow heresy to enter into our church. The early church knew this and developed creeds to help solidify the most important aspects of our faith. Creeds and confessions help us remember who God is and unites us in our common faith.
Why do you stand for the reading of God’s word?
We do this to show honor and respect for God’s Word. Just as one would stand as a dignitary entered the room we stand in honor of the Word of God and show our submission to it.
Why do you take communion so often?
We believe that the Word of God is the verbal presentation of the gospel and that communion is the visual presentation of the gospel. We are a forgetful people and frequent communion helps us to never forget Christ’s sacrifice for us.
What is your preaching like?
In our service, we go through books of the Bible studying them in view of their historical setting, context, and background in an effort to understand then as the Lord intended. Our belief is that the Bible, correctly taught will speak to all of life and be used to transform people by the work of the Holy Spirit.
To call sinners from guilt before God the Father into our only comfort, the grace of the Son, and to exhort them to a life of gratitude by the means of grace in the power of the Holy Spirit.
What is a “call to worship”?
Many times we enter God’s sanctuary thinking about life or the events of the day, this is an opportunity for the congregation to clear our minds of the troubles of this world and prepare our hearts and minds as we enter into the joyous act of worship, the hearing of God’s Word and for communion.
How do you pick your hymns and worship songs?
We believe that a worship service should be saturated with God’s Word and the hymns are no exception. We don’t base our music choices out of a desire to elicit an emotional response, but on whether or not a hymn or song lines up with what Scripture teaches.
What is a corporate confession of sin?
As believers in Christ we are called to confess our sins (John 5:24). As the body of Christ we express common sins together in unity and togetherness (Romans 3:23). This corporate confession does not take the place of individual confession and repentance but rather helps us to see our common need of God’s salvation. The assurance of pardon follows to let us know that we are forgiven by God.
Why do you recite creeds and confessions?
As sinful people it is easy for us to forget what we stand for and consequently allow heresy to enter into our church. The early church knew this and developed creeds to help solidify the most important aspects of our faith. Creeds and confessions help us remember who God is and unites us in our common faith.
Why do you stand for the reading of God’s word?
We do this to show honor and respect for God’s Word. Just as one would stand as a dignitary entered the room we stand in honor of the Word of God and show our submission to it.
Why do you take communion so often?
We believe that the Word of God is the verbal presentation of the gospel and that communion is the visual presentation of the gospel. We are a forgetful people and frequent communion helps us to never forget Christ’s sacrifice for us.
What is your preaching like?
In our service, we go through books of the Bible studying them in view of their historical setting, context, and background in an effort to understand then as the Lord intended. Our belief is that the Bible, correctly taught will speak to all of life and be used to transform people by the work of the Holy Spirit.